Thanks to ZOOM, JASNA SW Florida region met on Saturday April 11, 2020. The meeting began with Rosemary Purdy reading an excerpt from “Letters to Dead Authors” by Andrew Lang. Then Vicky Hinshaw led the thirteen participants in a lively discussion of the Sanditon mini-series and the various movies of Emma. There were mixed reviews of Sanditon. Some enjoyed the series and wanted more, others, not so much. Some members asked for recommendations of continuations/rewrites to Sanditon. Reginal Hill’s “The Price of Butcher’s Meat” and “Sanditon, a novel by Jane Austen and Another Lady” were recommended.
Based on a rating sheet for the six adaptations of Emma. We voted on our favorite actors playing Emma, Mr. Knightley, Harriet etc. We disagreed on many of the choices: some too old, some too young. Being able to see each other on the computer screen, allowed us to vote by hand. The discussion of favorites was lively.
Jerry Vetowich managed the technical aspects of the meeting, muting us whenever there was background noise in our rooms.
The group enjoyed the meeting so much, that a request was made to have another Zoom session in May.